
皖智教育 安徽第一卷·省城名校2023年中考最后三模(一)英语试卷 答案(更新中)

皖智教育 安徽第一卷·省城名校2023年中考最后三模(一)英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于皖智教育 安徽第一卷·省城名校2023年中考最后三模(一)英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注我们


皖智教育 安徽第一卷·省城名校2023年中考最后三模(一)英语试卷答案


皖智教育 安徽第一卷·省城名校2023年中考最后三模(一)英语

34.What do we know about Josh Tyler and Jane Younger’s study?A.Biologists got the results by comparison.B.Data were collected by observing waterbirds.C. 32 diving bird species went extinct during the process.D.The aim is to build connection between diving and non diving birds.

皖智教育 安徽第一卷·省城名校2023年中考最后三模(一)英语

34. What can we infer from the passage?A.Greener lakes are more suitable for fisheries.B.Lake color change makes no difference to people.C.The bluer the lakes are, the better the water quality is.D.Lake depth and temperature can affect the lake color.

0) 57. Which of the following can show a person’s feeling?A. Cu ju. B.Shu. C. Yue. D. Mao die.

皖智教育 安徽第一卷·省城名校2023年中考最后三模(一)英语

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