
河北省2022-2023学年第二学期高二年级期中考试(23554B)英语试卷 答案(更新中)






4.What does the woman think is the best thing in the party?A.Food. B.Music. C.Funny people.


9.What does Harry think of the cakes?A.They are too sweet.B.They are going bad.C.They might make people sick.

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。When she was a child, Yue-Sai Kan was told by her father that she should always aim to bethe first to walk on the moon 61 noone re members the second.What her father said has been a driving 62 (inspire) over the years, inspiring her to____become an Emmy-winning television producer, bestselling author and successful entrepreneur (创业者).Her new book Be a Pioneer, which is the tenth she has penned and her first Chinese-languageautobiography, 63 (release) after three years in the making. It was also inspired in part byher father’swords.“64 (actual) , I have been asked many times to write an autobiography, but I always____felt that it was not the right time for me to sit down and give thanks for my life, and also I did notthink my life was so exciting anyway, ” says Kan.However, her publisher thought otherwise, 65 (tell) her that, since she lived throughinteresting times in China as both a witness and a participant, she should write the book as ahistorical record.““All the things I have done-my successes and my failures – can be a good example foryoung people 66 particular. I think that’s the main reason why I wrote the book, ” saysKan.____67 (help) with reconstructing her story, Kan asked friends and colleagues to write____down their memories of her from 68 (early) times. So besides featuring Kan’s own words,____the new book is also filled with 69 of her friends, which gave Kan new insight into herself.____In the book, Kan included a lot of pictures 70 (take) from her early life. By scanning aOR code, readers are also able to see video clips from the period.


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