
衡水金卷先享题信息卷2023答案 湖南版三英语试卷 答案(更新中)

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衡水金卷先享题信息卷2023答案 湖南版三英语试卷答案


衡水金卷先享题信息卷2023答案 湖南版三英语

27.How does the author mainly organize the text?A.By listing Isaac’s moving life stories.B.By using Isaac’smother’s statements.C.By making a list of Isaac’s daily routines.D.By referring to comments on Isaac’s deeds.

衡水金卷先享题信息卷2023答案 湖南版三英语


Deyeslook even cuter when they toss food into their mouths as if they were doing tricks, like Take chiyo, a pet otter inOtters (水獭) are cute, which no one can deny. They have big eyes and round nose and paws like tiny hands. TheyteriinJapan. Documenting Take chiyo’s funny behaviour has earned his owner nearly 230, 000 followers on Insta gram, aphoto-sharing app. Take chiyo’s fame reflects a craze across east and south-east Asia for keeping otters as pets.But these jolly photos mask a trade that is doing a lot of damage. Even before they became fashionable companionsfor humans, Asia’s wild otters faced plenty of threats. Their habitats are disappearing. They have long been hunted fortheir coats, or killed by farmers who wish to prevent them feasting on fisheries.The pet trade, which began picking up in the early 2000s but appeared to accelerate a few years ago, has made thingsworse. The numbers of wild Asian small-clawed otters and smooth-coated otters, two species that are in highest demand,have declined by at least 30% in the three decades to 2019.The international agreement that governs trade in wildlife, known as CITES, now prohibits cross-border trade inthese species. But laws banning ownership are often poorly enforced, as in Thailand, or riddled with holes, as inIndonesia. And the otter-keeping fashion has been fueled by the internet, says Vincent Nij man of Oxford BrookesUniversity.In 2017, TRAFFIC a British charity that monitors the wildlife trade, spent nearly five months looking at Facebookand other social-media site in five South-East Asian countries. During that time it found around 1000 otters advertisedfor sale online.caseIn any case, otters do not even make particularly good pets. Every year the Jakarta Animal Aid Network, a charity inIndonesia’s capital, receives some ten otters from people who have struggled to look after them, Faiz ul Duh a, the founderof an Iof an Indonesian otter-owners group, admits that his two animals give out a very specific smell. They bite humans andfurniture. Their screeching can be heard blocks away. And their cages need cleaning every two-to-three hours.32. Paragraph one is developed by .____B. describing processA. comparing differencesC. analyzing reasonsD. providing examples33. Why do farmers kill otters?34. Which of the following does Vincent agree with?A. Because they don’t like otters’ smell.C. Because otter s eat farmers’ fish.B. Because they desire otters coats.D. Because otters affec farmers mood.ats.

衡水金卷先享题信息卷2023答案 湖南版三英语

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