
衡水名师卷·2021-2022学年度高三分科检测提分卷 151靶向提升 英语(四)4试题

衡水名师卷·2021-2022学年度高三分科检测提分卷 151靶向提升 英语(四)4试题,下面是衡水名师卷·2021-2022学年度高三分科检测提分卷 151靶向提升 英语(四)4试题部分示例,验证如下:

衡水名师卷·2021-2022学年度高三分科检测提分卷 151靶向提升 英语(四)4试题

23. Why does the author recommend these programs?
A. To promote various sports equipment 
B. To help readers to make proper workout schedules 
C. To instruct readers to use new entertainment applications 
D. To expect readers to exercise wherever it is convenient 

B Today, we study literature from a young age-learning about our histories, faraway worlds and influential people. Whether we notice or not, these stories-both fiction and, non-fiction–guide us throughout our lives. They allow us to see the world through another’s eyes open up our world and teach us about every subject known to man., 
In spite of their importance, many people throw out their old books–laying waste the wisdom that lies on each page. In an effort to save this knowledge and share it with those less fortunate, a garbage man in Bogota, Colombia has been saving thrown-away books for 20 years and sharing them with those in need

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衡水名师卷·2021-2022学年度高三分科检测提分卷 151靶向提升 英语(四)4试题

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