A. By offering deser ip tions.B. By asking questio aC. By comppar34. Who isring facts.D. By list inlisting nummu bersis likely to be healthier acc on ding to thepaagege?A. Tony who lives alone and never exp rosses himsel.B. Peter who isho is outgoing but sometime s eries in publi rG. Art hui r ho is under great stresa but never she d a te ar.D.dam3535.what is the best title for the text?Adam who sometime a cries but quickly regain control.A. Men Don’t Cry. Why?? B.Crying Is for WomenC. Who Cry More? Men or Women?D.CryD. Crying Makes a Weak M
2.Which country wasted the least amount of food according to the survey?A.China. B.France. C.The UAE. D.Japan.