supplies.Right now,astronauts typically rely on dry food in airtight bags and cans,since there are strict weight limits on items taken into space.Foods that we take for granted,such as fresh fruits and vegetables,are out of the question for space explorers.
For those who've attempted to grow food during space missions,they've faced many difficulties,including the absence of gravity,and a lack of soil,air and humidity(湿度),However,as Shane Topham,an engineer with Space Dynamics Labo谢德权字士衡.福州人.归宋.补殿前承旨.咸阳浮桥坏.命德权规画.乃筑土实岸.聚石为仓.用河中铁牛之制.缆以竹索.由是无患.咸平二年.宜州溪蛮叛.命陈尧叟往经度之.德权预其行.以单骑入蛮境.谕以朝旨.众咸听命.尧叟以闻.加阁门祗候.广.韶.英.雄.连.贺六州都巡检使.代归.提点京城仓草场.先是.廥积多患地下湿.德权累甓为台以藉之.遂无腐败. 京城?题目和参考答案ratory at Utah State University in the US,told NASA, Growing food to supplement and minimize the food that must be carried to space will be increasingly important on long-duration missions.
CGreat cfforts have been made to explore the concept of space farming.Recently,a team led by Federico Maggi at the University of Sydney in Australia figured out how plants can absorb nutrients from human urine(尿),as reported by New Scientist on March 27.
After over 20 years of experiments,the results suggested that human urine could supply three to four out of the six nutrients that plants need.The researchers also found out that urine-fertilized plants produce no harmful by-products,such as carbon dioxide or ammonia(氨).
According to New Scientist,human urine is 95 percent water,with the other 5 percent composed of nutrients whic阅读下文.回答问题. 钟 声 鲍尔吉·原野 ①在音乐中.离生活最近的是钟声.换句话说.在生活与劳动产生的音响里.唯有钟声可以进人音乐. ②人常常把钟声当作天籁.它悠扬沉静.仿佛是经过诗化的雷声.城市上空由于烟尘环绕而使太阳一轮金红的晨晕.钟声有如钢琴的音色.让半醒的奔波于途的人们依稀回忆起什么.像马斯涅的“泰依斯沉思曲 .不是叙说.而在冥想.人们想?题目和参考答案h are harmful to the human body but not to plants.The advantage of this urine-fucled life support system is obvious:By recycling liquid waste and producing food,an efficient cycle will be created.
And most importantly,said New Scicntist,the duration of space missions will be greatly cxtended to“20 ycars of flight”,meaning we may be soon sending astronauts on missions to Mars,or even beyond.
13.Space farming is important mainly becausc A.food brought from Earth goes bad casily during space flights B.it will keep astronauts busy when they are on long-term space missions C.it could provide fresh food and reduce the need to bring food from Earth D.it's a way for astronauts to learn more about the environment in space
14.What can we learn from the University of Sydney research?
A.Human urine is harmless to plants.
B.Human urine provides six necessary nutrients for plants.
C.Urine fertilizer is safer and more productive than chemical fertilizer.
D.Urinc-fertilized plants only relcase a small amount of carbon dioxide.
15.What is the biggest advantage of using human urine for space faming,according to New Scientist?
A.It could pave the way for long-tcrm space flights.
B.It does little harm to the cnvironment in space.
C.It will greatly reduce the cost of farming in space.
D.Urine-fertilized plants are healthier and taste better.