



In the last minute,an idea flashed through my mind.I threw in a43As I traveled south through the great European cities of Paris,Barcelona and Madrid,aot typically
44the abundance(大)of fields,I could 45money by camping.In Madrid,I still remember exploring around an art museum and eating more 46阅读下面的文字.完成下列各题. 我个人认为.中华文化虽然博大精深.内涵非常丰富.但是它最主要的一个特征就是人本精神.它始终是一种以人为本的文化.是以人为一切价值判断的出发点的一种文化.这与世界其他民族的文化是有所区别的.我们从中国远古的神话看起.在世界各民族的神话中.很多的主要人物都是天上的神灵.希腊神话中的诸神.都是住在奥林匹斯山上的.他们在天上俯视着 题目和参考答案cheese sandwiches.
Then I boarded a tain and 47south agatn,this time to48ahistoric city that's home to the 49Alhambra Palace.It was only as Granada's station approsched in the golden light of early evening that 下列各句中.划线的成语使用不恰当的一句是 [ ] A.老张今年65岁.短小精悍.思维敏捷.干起活来一点也不比年轻人差.B.抗日战争时.我八路军对敌后根据地的老百姓秋毫无犯.深受老百姓的爱戴. C.云南一民警酒后斗殴开枪杀人.影响恶劣.公安机关应从此案中吸取教训.举一反三.痛定思痛.采取有力的措施加强队伍建设.D.辛弃疾的“醉里挑灯看?题目和参考答案I realized it was the start of the 50.No banks would be open,and once again I was 51cashor amywhere to stay.What hapened next remains til this day one of the most 52things I have ever experienced.
When I told a young student I had been 53on thetain about my trouble,she invited me to stay withthe Spanis pen pals she was visting n Gramada.She had ever even mcethem before,but when she asked ifl could s4 my tent in their garden,they instead welcomed me into their apartment and ofered me a sofa to sleep on Not only that,but 55the next three nigts,theyfed m,bought me bees,acted as my tour gvide,but 56ay atemptto pay them back when the banks 57on my final day in the town..
Now Trm sil 58 by he extentof their bospitality(好客)Over tbe years since.I've tried to s9the same to others.Even so,I can't imagne I would ever let a 24 yearold version of me into my home,not to mention 600

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