



2021年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试模拟演练 英语
B.It is done at least 24 hours in advance.
C.The discounts are no longer available.
D.The travelers must pay a fee of 18 percent.
22.Which of the following travels costs 20 children over E350?
A.Thurles to Dublin.B.Killarney to Fota.
C.Cork to Dublin.D.Westport to Dublin.
23.Which way is 仿照下面画线的句子再续写一个句子. 历史长河中.无数豪杰为了使生命变得精彩而作出了生与死的抉择.一代大侠荆轲.为了生命的精彩.高吟着“风萧萧兮易水寒.壮士一去兮不复还 而血洒成阳殿, 题目和参考答案unavailable for booking the tickets?
A.Booking on the website.B.Calling on(01)8366222.
C.Contacting the local sales team.
D.Buying through local travel agents.
B While most of us enjoy our dinner,Christmas Day will see the UK's homeless-atound
4,266 people in England alone-facing another day of hunger.Yet one police oficer has set out to change this,one mile at a time.
Sean Anderson is undertaking the David Goggins challenge-running 48 miles in 48
hours-to raise money for the North East Homeless charity.The m下列词语中加点的字.读音最多的一组是 A.呼吁 吁请 吁求 长吁短叹 B.兴致 复兴 兴奋 兴高采烈 C.行程 道行 行当 行尸走兽 D.解数 解读 解说 深入解析 题目和参考答案oney raised will fund a Christmas Eve dinner at Newcastle station for those sleeping rough.The challenge requires participants to run four miles every four hours,day and night,with runners rlocking up near-
ly two marathons wor:h of distance in two days.It takes its name from American fitness ex-
pert David Goggins,who is a former Special Troops soldier.Sean Anderson,the self-admitted non-runner,is currently suffering downpours of rain,loss of appetite and arthritic(关节炎的)pain while covering different routes from his home on England's North-east coast.The

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