


第二节(满分25分)One possible versionThen came the Rajasthan /v trip which was our official last trip I hanged out with my otherErieiends while she with the other two girls. I wasn,t enjoying this trip at all, which she could makeBout. When she saw me approaching the common washroom, she followed me in and shut thedoor. I didn ‘t know how to react. She gave me a tight hug and broke down. My tears were alsoout of control We knew we both wanted to be in each others company. We promised to growmature and let it not affect our friendshipaozIt’s been almost 7 years after graduation since we picked up our friendship. Shes one of thefew people I really count on in my life. She’s been with me through all my struggles, helping meconstantly to grow into a better individual. So have I. The only learning from our relationshipis-if someone is meant to be in your life, they will ensure they stay around some way or theher Willingness to keep a relationship should come from both the sides


第三节One possible version:Paragraph 1Steve and Zach hadnt gone far uhen there toas afamiliar bark. Brady came bounding, stopped directly infront of Steve and hit him with his head, pushing him backtowards the slope. But Steve didnt get it. Then Bradygrabbed the boy4 Jeans and started pulling. The messagewas clear, but Steve hesitated. Of course he rememberedBrady saving his unele’s life when the dog was much younger.Was he still sharp enough to get them through this?Paragraph 2Brady pulled again, in spite of the boys disbelief, iurgently. OK, big guy, “seeing the fire was touchingunderbrush nearby, Steve made up his mind.Brady ledthem back down the slope and into the trees. Several timesthe big dog stopped. Often he changed directions to find theright way. The boys were so tired but the dog bullied bothboys to go on. Steve was almost numb when he heard itthe wonderful sound of rushing water! They made it back tothe river




第二節(滿分25分)One possible versionThen came the Rajasthan /v trip which was our official last trip I hanged out with my otherErieiends while she with the other two girls. I wasn,t enjoying this trip at all, which she could makeBout. When she saw me approaching the common washroom, she followed me in and shut thedoor. I didn ‘t know how to react. She gave me a tight hug and broke down. My tears were alsoout of control We knew we both wanted to be in each others company. We promised to growmature and let it not affect our friendshipaozIt’s been almost 7 years after graduation since we picked up our friendship. Shes one of thefew people I really count on in my life. She’s been with me through all my struggles, helping meconstantly to grow into a better individual. So have I. The only learning from our relationshipis-if someone is meant to be in your life, they will ensure they stay around some way or theher Willingness to keep a relationship should come from both the sides

第三節One possible version:Paragraph 1Steve and Zach hadnt gone far uhen there toas afamiliar bark. Brady came bounding, stopped directly infront of Steve and hit him with his head, pushing him backtowards the slope. But Steve didnt get it. Then Bradygrabbed the boy4 Jeans and started pulling. The messagewas clear, but Steve hesitated. Of course he rememberedBrady saving his unele’s life when the dog was much younger.Was he still sharp enough to get them through this?Paragraph 2Brady pulled again, in spite of the boys disbelief, iurgently. OK, big guy, “seeing the fire was touchingunderbrush nearby, Steve made up his mind.Brady ledthem back down the slope and into the trees. Several timesthe big dog stopped. Often he changed directions to find theright way. The boys were so tired but the dog bullied bothboys to go on. Steve was almost numb when he heard itthe wonderful sound of rushing water! They made it back tothe river



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