
2025届全国高考分科模拟调研卷·(五)5英语试卷 答案(更新中)






( ) 23.What do Jerry Kowal and Takeuchi Ryo have in common?A.They are vloggers from English speaking countries.B.They came to live in China for the same reason.C.Their works mainly explain cultural differences.D.They both try to promote mutual understanding between people in two countries.


25. Why did the author sell doughnuts?B. To respond to an event.A. To follow the fashion.D. To taste more flavors.C. To pursue his hobby.

第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AThe list of music festivals seems to double each year, so we think we’d save you some time bypresenting our picks that reflect a deep sense of place.New Orleans Jazz FestivalThis week-long festival was established in New Orleans, America in 1970 to celebrate the city’sstatus as the birthplace of jazz. Headliners that attended the first celebration included singer MahaliaJackson and pianist Duke Ellington. Over the years, this festival has grown to showcase much morethan jazz. Attendees have long enjoyed the latest hit-makers alongside booths and exhibits featuringLouisiana’s native cuisine, arts, and crafts.Newport Folk FestivalFounded by George We in in 1959 and best known for introducing the world to the likes of JoanBaez and Bob Dylan, Newport Folk Festival is one of the oldest music festivals in America.Like New Orleans Jazz Festival, this Rhode Island event gives a false impression about the types ofmusic one can expect to find, although it has been remaining true to its roots.


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