
[成都零诊]成都市2022级高中毕业班摸底测试英语试卷 答案(更新中)






35. What can be aui table title for this test.A.Open Invitation of the Wide GalaxyB. Thrilling Project for the European TeamC.Deep Dive into the Dusty Milky WayD. Immersing Trip to the Grand Solar System

18.Why is North Street closed to all cars?A.It is under repair.B. There is much snow.C.There is an accident.

34. What is the side effect of the “cute economy”?A.It will change the animals’ nature.B. It may make the animals not so cute.C.It may cause health problems to the animals.D. It will result in a decline in animal population.35. What may be the best title for the text?A.The Cute Economy and Its PriceB.Share Pictures or NotC.1Happiness from Pets D.MMarketing StrategCuteness


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