30.What does the underlined word“enacted”mean in the passage?D.Reduced.A. Abolished. B.Passed. C.Promised.
34.What inspiration do the researchers draw from gall midge larvae?Cpis a biwA.A. They are shaped like logs. isi bns giaw obiano oy ai ǐThey have tails to change positions s gnivomai u isd abonC. They bend their bodies and increase force.atolsd z n mwo juoy abno od D. They are filled with liquid and have rigid bodies. yojns ns sbivoiq na on loo A
26.We can infer from the passage that .____A.the-author never bought her mom anythingB.the author’s mom has iohom has o money to purchase nowC.the author’s mom regrets buying so many thingsD. the author knows her mom’s suffering only this week