
名校之约 2024届高三高考考前冲刺押题卷(六)6英语试卷 答案(更新中)

名校之约 2024届高三高考考前冲刺押题卷(六)6英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于名校之约 2024届高三高考考前冲刺押题卷(六)6英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注我们


名校之约 2024届高三高考考前冲刺押题卷(六)6英语试卷答案


名校之约 2024届高三高考考前冲刺押题卷(六)6英语

听 下面5段对话。每段对话后有一 个小题,从 中所前的,.C三个选项中或出最柱 项。完每段对话后,作都有10秒钟的时间来 路有关小 和 读下 小 。阿段对活仅读一 ,. Why did the police officer s top the woman?A. Becau of the driving spedB. Because of the license peo b lensC. Be case of the broken tail light2. How does the man feel?. Confident. B. Nervous C. x ited.

名校之约 2024届高三高考考前冲刺押题卷(六)6英语

16.What do we know about line dancing?A.Most old people don’t like it.B.People usually do it with jazz.C.It requires people to do the same steps together.

31.What does crying help people do to make them feel better?A.Cope with problems. B.Understand what has happened.C.Avoid making wrong decisions.D.Focus on the unexpected things.

名校之约 2024届高三高考考前冲刺押题卷(六)6英语,查看试卷答案可点击底部搜索

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