
[石家庄一检]石家庄市2024年普通高中学校毕业年级教学质量检测(一)1英语试卷 答案(更新中)






阅读下面短文,在空格处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。What makes something a sport?Traditional definitions usually included some physical activitywhich shows athletic ability orsikestrong) , But some sports can take the form of mental competi tions, For instance, chess was reconize da8a sport by the International Olympic Committee in1999. Now, some people wonder704e Sports should also be considered sports.The word e Sports is short forr eeec tronic sports, It is a form of competition in professionalp lavers or gamers play video games either in teams or individuallyyytypical) , the winners re-ceive prize money at the end of the competition.The first e Sports event was the oneb00d(holold) iversity in the 1970s, for thegame Space war! Over the next 30 years, video games vfo de) in popularity. More and morecountries, such as South Korea, China and the United States, started to develop e Sports intoindustry. In the 2000s, television broadcasts of the competitions,fondfeature) games like SteetFighter III, StarCraft, and Counter-strike, became popular. In the 201s,thanks to online streaming services, e Sports grew rapidly with more worldwide tournaments, more viewers, andlangerlarge) prizes, In 2020, the industry made more than US$ 1 billion for the first time ever.


2.Why is the man that wet?A.He r an for a long time.B. He exercised a lot.C. He got caught in the ra.

17.阅读材料,完成下列要求。2022年中央经济工作会议将“着力扩大国内需求”作为2023年重点工作任务,提出要把恢复和扩大消费摆在优先位置。2023年以来,各地各部门把恢复和扩大消费摆在优先位置,大力实施扩大内需战略,采取更加有力的措施,推动消费稳定持续恢复。2023年中秋、国庆假日经济成绩亮眼:国内旅游出游8.26亿人次,实现国内旅游收入7534.3亿元,同比增长129.5%;国家级夜间文化和旅游消费集聚区平均每夜客流量5.76万人次,同比增长68.7%… 从中秋、国庆假期蓬勃兴旺的市场活力中,深切感受到中国经济持续恢复、总体回升向好的态势。据此,有人认为,坚定实施扩大内需战略就能实现国民经济良性循环。结合材料,运用《经济与社会》的知识评析该观点。


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