
天一大联考 2022-2023学年(下)南阳六校高二年级期末考试英语试卷 答案(更新中)

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天一大联考 2022-2023学年(下)南阳六校高二年级期末考试英语试卷答案


天一大联考 2022-2023学年(下)南阳六校高二年级期末考试英语

22.What is the main emphasis of Science and Technology camp?A. Rocket s cience. B.Fun in learning.C. Coding language. D. Hands-on experiences.

天一大联考 2022-2023学年(下)南阳六校高二年级期末考试英语

35. In which col un of a newspaper may this passage appear?A. Sports. B. Culture. C. Health. D. History.

Rising numbers of visitors are heading to San xing dui Museum in Guang han, Sichuanprovince. Luo Shan, a young receptionist at the site, is frequently asked by early-morning56 (visitor) why they can not find a security guard to show them around. Actually, the____museum employs some guards, 57 they have been unable to deal with the sudden flow____of visitors, Luo said.On Saturday, more than 9, 000 people visited the museum, 58 (rough) over four____times the number on a typical weekend. Ticket sales reached 510, 000 yuan ($77, 830) , the second59 (high) daily total since it opened in 1997.____The increase in visitors is caused by a live broadcast of relics 60 (dig) from six____newly discovered sacrificial pits(洞穴) at the San xing dui Ruins site. The broadcast 61____(fuel) visitors’interest in numerous relics since the transmission aired on CCTV on March 20.At the site, more than 500 antiques, 62 are 3, 200 to 4, 000 years old, including____gold masks, bronze items and clothes, have been unearthed from the pits. The numerous bronzesculptures include an impressive statue of a barefoot man wearing anklets, his hands clenched (紧握) . The figure is 180 cm high, while the entire statue, which is thought 63 (represent) a____king from the Shu Kingdom, is nearly 261 cm t all, including the base. Gold items on display at themuseum are known for their quality and 64 (diverse) .Situated 40 kilometers north of Chengdu, the site covers 12 square kilometers and containsthe ruins of 65 ancient city, sacrificial pits, residential quarters and tombs.________

天一大联考 2022-2023学年(下)南阳六校高二年级期末考试英语

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